What do you call a stone with a hole in it?

hagsone or holey stone
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A trip to the seaside is always a great idea, but if you are like me then you have more stone beaches near you than sand ones. Part of the day will no doubt be spent playing with the pebbles, whether trying to skim them in the sea, balance them on top of each other, or just finding your favourites. Sometimes you will come across a lovely stone with a hole in it. But did you know that they have a name?

What do you call a stone with a hole?

A stone that has a hole in it is called a hagstone, or sometimes a witch stone, or adder stone. It is a naturally perforated stone with a hole formed by water, wind, or ice erosion. Typically comprised of flint, limestone, or sandstone, these stones are forged over time and exhibit a unique character that ignites the curiosity. Hagstones are collected not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their alleged divine and supernatural attributes.

Historical Significance

The origins of the hagstone date back to prehistoric mythology and spiritual practices. The ancient Celts held firm beliefs in the stone’s protective powers against evil spirits and enchantments. Amulets and talismans fashioned from hagstones were often worn or hung in the household to shield against malicious entities.

Legends entwined around these stones are pervasive across many cultures, including the Romans, Egyptians, and Native Americans. In various African legends, the hagstone is imbued with the power to render the bearer invisible from evil spirits. The Druids, known for their affinity towards nature, have been known to use hagstones for protection and as a conduit for their magical practices.

Magical Properties and Uses

The hagstone’s enigmatic presence casts a spell on those who encounter its charm, and its magical reputation spans centuries:

  • Protection: One of the most popular uses of a hagstone is for protection from negative energies or ill intentions. It is believed that the hole in the hagstone represents the keyhole to the spiritual realm, allowing the bearer to peer into other worlds and keep evil at bay.
  • Fertility: Hagstones have long been linked to fertility rituals and blessings. It is said that placing a hagstone under the bed or near a crib can promote a healthy pregnancy, a safe birth, and the well-being of the child and mother.
  • Healing: Connected to holistic therapies, some believe that hagstones possess healing energies. The stones are sometimes placed in water, which is then consumed or used to wash wounds for accelerated recovery.
  • Lucid Dreaming and Nightmares: The mystical energies of a hagstone are believed to enhance one’s ability to experience lucid dreams and ward off terrible nightmares. Sleeping with a hagstone under the pillow or hung above the bed is said to bring peaceful rest and a vibrant dream world teeming with clarity.
  • Prosperity and Abundance: In certain cultures, hagstones are carried or placed in homes to attract financial prosperity, luck, and abundance.
Hagstone found on Broadstairs beach

Acquiring and Caring for Your Hagstone

Hagstones can be acquired from the shores of lakes, rivers, and oceans, where the transformative power of water shapes them over time. If a hagstone has caught your eye, trust your intuition and hold onto it; the stone may have chosen you to become its caretaker.

To strengthen the connection with your hagstone, cleanse it with saltwater or smudge the stone with sage before use. Consecrate the stone according to your spiritual path or personal preferences, as an act of gratitude, and foster a bond with its energies.

Conclusion – all about hagstones

The enthralling lore and rich history enveloping the hagstone offer a window into the enchanting world of talismans and folklore. Cherished as a symbol of protection, fertility, and prosperity, the hagstone reminds us of the undeniable magic present in nature. As you hold this magical treasure in your hands, envision the life force that has weathered, carved, and bestowed wisdom into the stone, connecting us to the enigmatic universe of witchcraft, mysticism, and ancient wisdom.

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